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🔴📽SIA 2020, Sustainable cocoa / Côte d'Ivoire presents its traceability tools for good chocolate.

 🔴📽  Comprendre la nécessité de participer au plus grand évènement business dédié à l'Afrique et l'Europe Ambition Africa les 19 et 20 Novembre. Des rendez-vous business, tables rondes, partages d’expériences et témoignages inspirants. ANEWS, partenaire de l'évènement, vous donnera la parole. .

 🔴📽  La 6ème Edition du Gingembre littéraire de Continent Premier aura lieu à Dakar les 22 et 23 novembre 2024 et les 25 et 26 novembre à Ziguinchor. À l'étape de l'Université de Genève, El Hadji Gorgui Wade NDOYE fondateur du Gingembre littéraire de Continent Premier expliquait au micro de HERMANCE ALLOH les enjeux de ces assises..

 🔴📽  Du 30 oct au 3 nov, au Salon du Chocolat venez découvrir sur le stand de la Côte d'Ivoire les champions locaux de la transformation de la fève du cacao Ivoirien. En 2023, Ahoua Touré, promotrice de la Maison Mandjou, s'est confiée au micro de HERMANCE ALLOH sur sa passion. .

 🔴📽  Lacina Koné PDG de Smart Africa au micro de Annie-Monia KAKOU, partage sa vision sur le changement de mindset nécessaire pour propulser l’Afrique dans l’économie du savoir. Pour lui, il s'agit de mettre l'accent sur l’innovation et de bâtir des licornes africaines capables de rivaliser sur le marché mondial. Ce chemin passe par l'accès élargi et abordable à l’internet haut débit, un pilier essentiel pour le développement des nouvelles technologies.  .

 🔴📽  Faustine Chevet, Directrice des Relations Externes et du Rayonnement (Europe, Afrique, Moyen-Orient, Asie-Pacifique) de HEC Montréal, salue cette initiative FrancoTech et dépeint le positionnement de HEC Montréal par rapport à la Francophonie.

 🔴📽  Découvrez la participation de SaH Analytics International, l'un des leaders de l'intelligence artificielle et du machine learning qui se positionne sur la protection rigoureuse des flux migratoires de la donnée, afin de garantir une souveraineté économique et culturelle des nations. Yaya Sylla, Président Directeur Général a eu l’honneur de participer à la table ronde Table ronde : “Intelligence artificielle : un enjeu de souveraineté économique et culturelle” .

 🔴📽 RITUEL CAFE et L’Ambassadeur Aly Touré, Représentant Permanent de la Côte d’ivoire auprès des Organisations Internationales des Produits de Base à la recherche de partenariats pour la transformation locale du café Ivoirien. Maria Dion-Gokan.

 🔴📽 Le Salon des Industries Africaines.

Des acteurs Francophones de l'industrie du Sport, partagent leurs expériences et convictions sur les opportunités du sport Business et la Francophonie Sportive sur le continent Africain. Ce Salon qui marque le lancement des Forces Africaines de L'Industrie a réuni, industriels, universitaires, diplomates, membres de la diaspora et experts engagés sur cette question.

  🔴📽 Ecobank International SA, sponsor de l'événement confirme son engagement et ses innovations au service de l'industrialisation du continent Africain. Ce Salon qui marque le lancement des Forces Africaines de L'industrie a réuni, industriels, universitaires, diplomates, membres de la diaspora et experts engagés sur cette question.

  🔴📽 Le Club des Diasporas Africaines de France et Amis de l'Afrique à sa 4ème rencontre à la LA MAISON MULLER . Thème: "L'entrepreneuriat dans l'Art". Découvrez ces moments de partages avec l'exposition de l'illustratrice indépendante Haneek Illustration qui représentait la "Femme Afro dans son quotidien".

  🔴📽 Questionner le lien Europe-Afrique afin de reconstruire ensemble l'architecture mondiale.

Colloque du Gingembre littéraire de Continent Premier à l'Université de Genève / L'Afrique face aux défis de l'Industrialisation, du numérique et des enjeux de la culture et du développement" Pierre Atepa GOUDIABY, président de ATEPA Group et du Club des Investisseurs Sénégalais fait le plaidoyer pour une Afrique qui transforme sur son sol ses matières premières. Au micro de HERMANCE ALLOH


  🔴📽ASOM Paris / Inauguration of the Félix Houphouët Boigny Library.


1st edition of Investir Day! 🇫🇷 The event manager - Les Echos, Lucie MORLOT describes the challenges of the Investir Day meetings.


🔴📽 France: The Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire describes the need for states to better regulate blockchain policies. Selected pieces.


🔴📽 SAN PEDRO CACAO, a cooperative serving cocoa farmers in Côte d'Ivoire


🔴📽Voeux Africa 2019 from MEDEF International in the presence of African ambassadors based in Paris.


🔴📽 The international organization of La Francophonie (OIF) at the heart of Viva technology 2019


# UniversitédétéduMEDEF2018 🔴📽Find the highlights of the introductory speech by Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, president of #MEDEF .


🔴🗿📽Understanding Afro-Responsibility with Africa ideas. Its 4th annual conference on the theme: #employment of #young people in #Africa , what reforms for #professional training ? # ConfADI2018 #adiParis #ANEWS


Press Conference for the Ambition Africa 2018 Forum on 22 & 23 Oct in Paris.


🔵⚪🔴Victoire des Bleus⚽✔: They were kind enough to hold the microphone of #ANEWS , discover the crazy reactions of the supporters on the Champs-Elysées.

🔵⚪🔴Mondial 2018! ⚽ #ANEWS in the heart of popular fervor on the Champs-Elysées to celebrate the victory of the Blues.


Symposium Gabon: A Central African country in search of diversification.

The economic prospecting mission of the Embassy of GABON in FRANCE in LYON.


Discover the opportunities that connected table football offers to companies.


The New conditions of access to the services of the Embassy of GABON in FRANCE.


Discover the meeting of the Minister of State, in charge of foreign affairs of GABON Régis IMMONGAULT with the diplomatic staff in Paris.

Doing research on the internet but protecting your privacy, an alternative offered by the QWANT search engine.
Discover our interview with its founder # EricLéandri at # VivaTechnology2018.


Restoring a little dignity to migrants, a daily struggle of the NGO Rêve d'Ivoire.
This report depicts the vision of the said NGO.
to discover!!!


Find out how the BussyEducom company supports professionals, seniors, project leaders and individuals in their digital transition through TIFINES Workshops. Provide the key steps to succeed in their digital transformation and develop their business.


Agneby Solidarité Paris: Investiture of the President and the Executive Board

African Dream 2018 in Paris.


The President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, Alassane OUATTARA had an interview this Friday, April 20, 2018 with his French counterpart, Emmanuel MACRON at the Elysée Palace.

The Paris Book Fair 2018: South Africa, a country in the spotlight at the Africa, Caribbean & Pacific Letters Pavilion.


Presentation of the LAB-ABIDJAN 2017 white paper: Eric BAZIN founder of LAB at our microphone.


Presentation of the white paper, Le LAB-ABIDJAN 2017.
Ms. Danièle Sassou Nguesso, president of the SOUNGA foundation at our microphone.


Presentation of the white paper, LAB-ABIDJAN 2017.
Mme Marie Lebec Deputy LRM - President of the France-Ivory Coast friendship group at our microphone.

Presentation of the white paper, LAB-ABIDJAN 2017.
The president of the Objis vocational training center, Douglas Mbiandou at our microphone.


The presentation of the white paper, LAB-ABIDJAN 2017.
The president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Côte d'Ivoire TOURE FAMAN at our microphone.

The presentation of the white paper, LAB-ABIDJAN 2017.
The Managing Director ESSEC Africa Mr. Thierry SIBIEUDE at our microphone.


The Compendium of Women's Skills of Côte Ivoire presented to Ivorian women living in France by Ms. Euphrasie Kouassi YAO.


#SIA 2018, the Café-Cacao Council in an approach of promotion, awareness and information on the quality of Cocoa from Côte d'Ivoire.


The press conference of the African Caribbean & Pacific Letters Pavilion as a prelude to the Paris Book Fair which will be held from March 16 to 19, 2018.

Attijariwafa Bank potential partner of Uiaffif


The testimony of the Startup Afreecom incubated by HEC Entrepreneurs, during the 2nd session of the UIAFFIF presentation, information and awareness meetings.


Ivorian Women living in France soon to be trained by HEC Paris through the UIAFFIF.


Campus France, an operator that supports entrepreneurship in Africa. Discover the workshop hosted by Danielle BRICHE, Project Manager, European Projects Department of the External and Institutional Relations Department during the Salon des Entrepreneurs.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Our meeting with Alexis THOMAS, co-creator of Wonder Coloring at the Salon des Entrepreneurs.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


The President of the French Senate Gérard LARCHER receives Soro Guillaume Kigbafori, he wishes him the next presidency of the parliamentary assembly of the Francophonie.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


The signing of a SOTRA-IVECO commercial agreement for the acquisition in 2018 of 500 New buses.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Think about the business in French !!!

Discover the recap of the international days of Francophone entrepreneurship # JIEF2017 in Paris.


Discover the celebration of the epiphany of solidarity with the Gabonese of ANGERS.


Discover the cultural day of the Association des Femmes Ivoiriennes de Grigny - AFIG.



The tribute ceremony in Paris to the heroes of France from Africa and elsewhere, sponsored by Dr. Jean-Jacques KONADJE.


Rencontres2017: The Internationalization of Local Authorities.

Côte D'Ivoire: The general direction of decentralization and local development and the Assembly of Regions and Districts of Côte d'Ivoire - ARDCI present at the 2017 meetings on the internationalization of local authorities, organized by Cités Unies France .


Africa Time For A New Deal 2017
The CEO and founder of LINAGORA at our microphone.

The testimony of the Startup NEYBS, incubated by HEC-Paris during the 2nd session of the UIAFFIF presentation, information and awareness meetings.


The entrepreneurs' fair is an opportunity not to be missed! Discover our interview with Stéphane NDOUR, Sales and Development Director of the Les Echos le Parisien group.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Our meeting with Jennifer Mani, founder of the Le cercle des audacieuses network at the Salon des Entrepreneurs

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Our meeting with the Startup Banlieue association at the Salon des Entrepreneurs.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Guillaume SORO received by his French counterpart, François de RUGY.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


The conference-debate: Feedback on international security and justice cooperation in the Sahel.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Discover the launch of the device "DIAS 'INVEST 237" for the attention of Cameroonians in the diaspora.


Discover the first press conference of the Presidential Council for Africa.


Discover the march of November 18, 2017 and the reactions Against the slavery of African migrants in Libya.


The Ivory Coast, the world's leading cocoa producer, promotes its cocoa and local processors.
Discover the reactions of visitors.


Africa Time For A New Deal 2017.
The CEO and founder of Aaqius at our microphone.


Africa Time For a New Deal 2017.
The president of the 2030 Africa club , Khaled Igué at our microphone to describe the orientation of this think tank during the Africa Time fora New Deal2017 conference .


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